Location: Bach Beethoven - 11/14/24, 2:00 PM - 11/14/24, 4:50 PM (EST) (2 hours 50 minutes)

Financial Reality Fair...Teacher Edition! Integrate this in any program area!

Shannon McIntosh, Consumer Education Specialist and Certified Credit Union Financial Counselor

Michigan Schools and Government Credit Union

See how students get to experience the real world in this Financial Reality Fair! Teachers are each

provided with an identity consisting of a job, a starting salary, a credit score, and potential student

loans. You’ll visit several booths to obtain the goods and services you need such as food,

transportation, and housing. You’ll make decisions on expenditures while balancing your budget,

actively discovering the impact those choices could have on their financial future.

Financial Counseling Reflection: Students meet with a financial counselor to ensure they have

balanced their budgets and review choices that could improve their financial future.